Folio Online Gallery
When the hard work is done, superheroes deserve some fun! Celebrations of all kinds, from birthdays to individual milestones keep us going throughout the year, culminating in our legendary end-of-year party. This is when we host & toast everyone who has contributed to another successful year at Folio. Find out what we get up to on birthdays, big days and holidays
The Afrikaans proverb, Oos wes, tuis bes (east, west, home best) most emphatically does not apply to Bag! Bag is a traveller, an adventurer, an explorer – constantly discovering exciting new sights and experiences across the world. Meeting new people, making friends and living the dream is Bag’s enviable lot in life. As Folio’s international representative, Bag’s wanderlust has taken him to some of the most beautiful destinations in South Africa and abroad. Snorkeling in Brazil, skiing in Switzerland, sightseeing in Italy and sunbathing in Majorca … flip through his photo album to see where he has been. Has Bag been on any adventures with you lately? Send us a photo to show his latest destination!
Folio’s ‘Happy International Translation Day’ mailers are sent out on 30 September every year. Can you identify the Folio faces?
Folio’s green ethos extends to animal shelters and rehabilitation centres from Cape Town to Kenya. Click the collage below to meet the members of the animal kingdom that found a refuge and a future thanks to Folio.